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Yes, we provide the driver documents only incase you hire a driver on monthly basis.

If you cancel prior to 1 hour in advance then you do not have to pay cancellation charges however if you cancel once the driver reports or about to report then you have to pay 150 cancellation charges to cover the bare minimum expenses and man hours lost.

No, We provide drivers to drive you to your desired destination.

As a Driver service provider our role is restricted to providing you best available driver however we cannot guarantee you error free service hence incase of accident you have to claim the insurance provided by your insurance company however we will assist you claiming the same on your behalf.

Yes we do have in house training program for drivers which covers various topics like grooming, communication safety & Alertness etc. If you hire a driver on monthly basis from us then you can always send your driver for a training session or a refresher if he has already attended the training at no extra cost.